Anna Pleń
I am Anna Pleń, a watercolorist, painter and interior designer.
I have painted and drawn since I was a child. I felt a strong need to show how I see the world through art. Painting - especially watercolor, allows me to reflect the beauty, delicacy and complexity of the natural world.
I graduated from the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology at the Faculty of New Media Art. I am an Interior Architect by education. However, my steps were not immediately directed to an art academy. At the beginning, looking for my way, I chose a university related to nature and animal care - I graduated from Animal Science, where I studied, among others botany and animal anatomy.
However, I realized that I was always attracted to art, so I decided to direct my further development steps to the art academy.
Currently, I am a resident of my beloved, Warsaw's Żoliborz & lt; 3 - I knew that I would choose this place for my home. The district is full of atmospheric old buildings and old trees.
I mainly paint plants, and the painting process itself gives me the opportunity to experience peace and harmony. I would like people who decide to buy my works to experience similar emotions while contemplating the beauty of nature in their own home.